
Gets the display status (open or closed) of the Find dialog box.

Query results

This query returns a boolean value indicating whether the Find dialog box is open (true) or closed (false).
Story editor only. The PGetFindWindow query works only in story editor.

Example. Use the PFindWindow command to close the window.

PGetFindWindow isOpen;
if (isOpen == true) PFindWindow(false); // close it

See also

The PGetChangeParaAttr, PGetChangeTypeAttr1, PGetChangeTypeAttr2, PGetChangeWindow, PGetFindParaAttr, PGetFindTypeAttr1, and PGetFindTypeAttr2 queries

The PChange, PChangeAll, PChangeNext, PChangeParaAttr, PChangeTypeAttr1, PChangeTypeAttr2, PChangeWindow, PFind, PFindNext, PFindParaAttr, PFindTypeAttr1, and PFindTypeAttr2 commands

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